
Commission: Blublazefire0. Rampage

Deviation Actions

ChikaraRyoku's avatar

Literature Text

as she came closer, she heard Tobi talk to his opponents, before they started fighting again. it seemed they were calling him Obito. And it partially made sense. From the time when she was still a Shinobi of the hidden leaf, she knew of Obito Uchiha, knew he had supposedly died during the third great ninja war, while passing his left eye onto Kakashi. She didn’t know how Obito had survived, but she didn’t care about that. she cared about him surviving now.

whether he was Madara, or Tobi or Obito, she didn’t care what he called himself. After all these years of working together, she had come to care for him, and while he had denied it at first, he had come to care for her as well. and while the other members of the Akatsuki hadn’t known of this, she had become his wife. And as a good wife, she would stand by her husband, keeping him safe from any king of harm!

Naruto, Guy and Kakashi kept on attacking Obito, pushing him to his limit, she had done the same in their first fight. He could use that same jutsu continuously for more than five minutes. and having already fought for some time, she knew he had to be close to his limit. And since Kakashi could now also send something to their pocket dimension, it wasn’t even all that safe to use it anymore either.

but as a rock hit Obito from behind, she knew his limit had been reached. And with Kakashi coming at him with his lightning blade in hand, while Naruto used his chakra arms to hold Obito’s feet, she made a choice any loving wife would make. She send chakra to her feet and used her teleportation jutsu to move as fast as she could, planting herself in between Obito and Kakashi, just as the latter’s attack was about to hit him, hitting her instead.

as Obito and Kakashi saw this, they were both reminded of Rin, how she had died by Kakashi’s Chidori.  Obito broke free from Naruto’s grasp, caught Yumiko and fell to his knees. Kakashi looked pretty shocked, as was everyone else around them. Obito, Kakashi, Naruto, Guy and even Bee in his eight tails form looked shocked. Yumiko had come out of nowhere and stopped Kakashi from killing Obito, possibly ending the war.

Yumiko brought a hand to Obito’s face, a weak smile on her mouth, finally seeing the man she loved, finally seeing the face behind the mask. Obito took her reaching hand, just before it sunk back. Obito couldn’t find the words, but he felt just as bad as he did when he had seen Rin die, maybe even worse. This world was; HELL! Yumiko closed her eyed and her smile stayed on her face and Obito felt her pulse stop.

he put her down on the ground before standing up and sending her to his pocket dimension with Kamui. He closed both his eyes, a tear slowly rolling down from his right Sharingan eye, before violent chakra burst out from his entire body and his face became a mask of rage, just before someone landed next to him. Obito didn’t even care to look, as he already knew who it was that stood there; Madara.

Naruto was shocked to see the true Madara standing there, wondering what had happened to the five Kage, to which Madara replied that they were probably not feeling so good. Obito pulled the war fan from his back and tossed it back to Madara, ‘here, it was yours to begin with.’ Madara caught it, looked at Obito, ‘you seem angry Obito, is it because it’s not all going according to plan?’ Obito shook his head, ‘no, it’s because I’ve just had a reminder what a hell hole this world truly is!’Madara nodded, before hearing a howl, looking at the flaming Uchiha style pillar to his left, ‘Obito, you started the project midway? Before we could absorb the eight and nine tails? I guess that’s also why you brought me back in this form?’

Obito heard Madara go on, the mistakes he had made. But at this moment he didn’t really care. The plan was going to succeed, even if the ten tails wouldn’t be at full strength, even if Madara hadn’t been brought back with the rinne rebirth jutsu, they were more than strong enough to succeed here and now!

as Naruto came to attack Madara, the latter claimed he would capture the eight and nine tails here and now, before unleashing Hashirama’s wood style dragon. And with Madara focusing on the tailed beasts, Obito would focus all his hate on Kakashi!

Obito jumped some distance away from Madara, giving him space, while letting out two large shuriken, taking both of them in hand. As he landed and Kakashi came after him again, he tossed both shuriken at Kakashi. As expected, the latter dodged, which was why he had attached wires to both of them, pulling those caused the weapons to change direction and come after Kakashi again.

Kakashi ducked, placing his hands on the ground, ‘earth style, mud wall!’ a wall rose up from the ground, blocking and trapping both shuriken, before Kakashi pulled out shuriken of his own and tossed them at Obito, who phased through them. Obito jumped forward, putting his hands together before slamming them against the ground, ‘earth style; earth decomposition!’ the ground beneath his and Kakashi’s feet broke down and collapsed, causing both of them to fall. But as they both fell, Obito made his next move, ‘fire style; flame whirlwind!’ he spit out a raging tornado of fire toward Kakashi.

Kakashi, in mid air, couldn’t get away from the flames and there wasn’t any water around for a good countering water jutsu. A large golden chakra arm shot out, grabbing Kakashi and pulling him out of the hole. Obito looked up and saw Naruto standing at the edge of the collapsing ground, in his nine tails chakra mode. Obito send out plants from his right arm, grabbing the sides and pulling himself back onto the edge, before facing both his opponents.

in the back ground he saw the eight tails, the nine tails and Might guy trying to tangle with Madara. Yet Naruto also stood here before him, Obito, which meant this was a shadow clone. This brat had come far, but this was where it would end! Obito jumped over the hole he had created, pulled the wires of his large shuriken, pulling them out from underneath some rubble, catching them and throwing one at Naruto, the other at Kakashi. As they dodged, he shot four chakra rods out of his pocket dimension through his eye, two going after Kakashi, the other two after Naruto.

Kakashi pulled out two kunai and fended of the two rods and Naruto grabbed the incoming rods with two chakra arms and threw them away, before Obito landed before them and pulling the wires of his large shuriken again, slashing both Kakashi and Naruto over their backs, causing the shadow clone of Naruto to dissipate. But just as Obito was about to take both his shuriken in hand, his Sharingan and Rinnegan eyes noticed movement behind him, letting the kick phase through his ankles and his large shuriken through his arms. As all three had passed by, he jumped back and saw Naruto, still in his chakra mode, standing there to face him. but Kakashi was gone.

Obito was grabbed by his ankles and pulled into the ground, before Kakashi jumped out of it in front of him, he had used his earth style; head hunter jutsu. Naruto formed a new Rasengan and launched it at Obito’s face with a chakra arm, while Kakashi threw a kunai at him. Obito frowned and sunk deeper into the ground, phasing through it, before coming back up again, having a cut on his left cheek.

Kakashi had used his Kamui on his own kunai as he, Obito, had phased through the ground, thus sending the kunai to their pocket dimension. Obito looked at both Naruto and Kakashi, they wouldn’t beat him, they would go down here and now! He slammed both his hand onto the ground again, using his earth style; earth decomposition a second time, dropping both himself and his opponents.

but as Naruto send out Chakra arms to grab Kakashi and the edges to pull them up, Obito pulled on the chains of the chakra rods and flung them through the chakra arms, pinning them and Naruto to the wall, before he used his own wood style, shoot it into the wall as well and had pointy roots and branches shoot out at Kakashi.

the copy ninja managed to dodge some, rolled onto another and used the root and branch system to jump and climb up. But enough wood had been assembled. Obito took a deep breath as he weaved his hand signs, ‘fire style; flame whirlwind!’ the attack raged toward Kakashi and set all the wood it hit on fire.

Obito was then caught off guard as his own four chakra rods were tossed into the wood he stood on, breaking his own stance, as well as that a chakra arm grabbed Kakashi a second time and pulled him up. It seemed that Naruto had made two extra chakra arms and pulled out the four chakra rods, before tossing them at Obito and catching his sensei. Obito grabbed the rock, ran up the wall, jumped out of the hole, before initiating his next move.

even before he landed, he was busy weaving his hand signs, ‘earth style; earth decomposition, gravitation disorder!’ as he landed, he placed his hands on the ground and it broke apart under his feet and under Kakashi’s and Naruto’s feet. The ground broke open and send rocks flying everywhere, even deeper into the ground. But as rocks also launched themselves into the sky, that was perfect for his next move, ‘fire style; phoenix flower jutsu!’ he shot out a barrage of flame balls into the sky, that hit other rocks, breaking them open and causing them to fall, while burning, ‘collaboration; meteor shower jutsu!’

he had collaborated his own techniques for an even more devastating effect, causing powerful explosions as the rocks hit, causing both Naruto and Kakashi a lot of trouble. But then Kakashi fought back, sucking in all the meteors with his own Kamui, before readjusting and letting them out again, launching them at Obito, who phased through them, but then felt a burning pain where he had phased through.

Kakashi hadn’t summoned out all the meteors, some were still flying in their pocket dimension and those had hit him on the parts of his body that he had send there. It had been a smart move, but it had taken a lot of Kakashi’s Chakra, Obito doubted he could use his Mangekyo again during this battle.

Naruto’s chakra had a momentary glitch, but it didn’t bother Obito that much, maybe Naruto was weakening as well, which was only good news for him, Obito. Naruto stepped forward, grabbing Kakashi and throwing him at Obito, who grabbed Kakashi by his throat, before sucking him in. he would make sure to kill Kakashi nice and slow later. Now that it was one on one again, Obito had no doubt he could take Naruto all by himself.

Naruto ran at Obito with great speed, forming two Rasengan on both his sides with his chakra arms, before launching both at him. Obito simply let them pass through his entire torso as he ran forward, before stopping, feeling a stomp in his gut and a kick in his ribs.

he jumped back, dodging a next attack, before letting his head face through a chakra arm punch. As he did, he saw into his packet dimension, where Kakashi stood before him, hitting him hard in his face. Obito pulled out of there and jumped away from Naruto, while Kakashi summoned himself back to the real world through his Kamui. Obito didn’t understand where Kakashi had gotten the chakra from to stand up and fight again, much less use Kamui again. but what did it matter, what he saw behind those two in front of him was much more promising. The fire barrier was cracking. The ten tails revival was nearly complete.

the nine tails Naruto and the eight tails Bee got together and combined their tailed beast balls, launching it at the barrier, intending to destroy the beast before it could be revived. The crash caused a massive explosion and as it did, Obito hurried to where he had placed the barrier. There was a lot of smoke there, but as Madara headed there as well, it meant their plan had succeeded. And as the smoke dissipated, a massive creature could be seen; the ten tails had been revived.

Obito and Madara jumped atop its head as it just woke up. Naruto and Kakashi joined up with the nine tails Naruto, the eight tails Bee and a very weakened Might guy. As Madara and Obito took their place atop the beast’s head, they grew a root, thanks to Hashirama’s chakra and attached it to the ten tails to control it. Obito looked at Kakashi. With the ten tails under their command, they had the perfect weapon. Even two tailed beast like the eight and nine tails couldn’t stand up to its power.

Obito looked at Madara, ‘the ultimate Tsukuyomi will take time to set up right?’ Madara nodded, ‘indeed it will. These pests will no doubt get in our way.’ Obito smiled, ‘well than, it’s a good thing I’m not in a hurry. And I have wondered what kind of power the ten tails has, even in a weakened state. Shall we test it out?’ Madara grew a small smile, ‘sure, that sounds like fun.’

at their command, the ten tails swung its right arm, causing a shockwave of devastation to follow its path. The nine tails Naruto took Might guy, Kakashi and the Naruto Shadow clone into itself, while the shadow clone tried to sense the ten tails through sage mode. But just as the two tailed beasts prepared for battle, the ten tails launched itself forward, lashing out with its left arm, pushing both beasts back with ease. The eight tails jumped to the side and forward, before launching a stream of tailed beast balls. Obito grinned, ‘we don’t even have to dodge that.’ and at command, the ten tails build up its own attack, launching a massive tailed beast blast, obliterating all of the eight tail’s balls, scarring the earth.

as dust rose up from the attack, the eight tails was gone and so were Kakashi and the Naruto sage clone, who then appeared above them. Kakashi summoned the ten tails through his Kamui, who shot a tailed beast ball at ten tails from close range. The ten tails simply flicked it back at the eight tails. Its might was absolute.
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BluBlazeFire0's avatar
woah o:
I really love the fighting scene and the scene with Hanrae & Obito <3 you got everything right >w<